Among the bizarro gifs and half-naked chicks on my Tumblr feed the other day, I came across Belgian label Filles à papa and noticed right away how much their designs align with my own ideals in dressing and overall wardrobe personality. Conceived and designed by two sisters, the brand is playful, rebellious, and liberated; a bit sexy but boyish at the same time. They've succeeded at creating a new chemistry for modern girls, collapsing boundaries between formal and casual wear and blending "day" and "night" into one. I applaud them at making sequins look gritty and edgy...I mean tomboys wanna sparkle sometimes too! Peep their sale going 5.29 to 6.2.
Over the years of being an iphone owner, I've mostly kept the case black as I wasn't a fan of making it much of a standout "accessory." These days though, I'm more and more attracted to the tricked-out cases so Marc def caught my attention with this crinkled foil number...candy bar anyone?
Today is Donatella Versace's birthday. In her honor, VFILES posted up scans of the premier issue of the short-lived VERSACE magazine, which is the first I've heard of it. What I would give to get my hands on a copy! It's pretty damn amazing...P. Diddy and all.