October 24, 2012


Hey guys, it's been a minute! Too much life happening I guess. Here's a few moments to fill you in sorta.

Summer came to a close. I liked wearing a jacket the first time or two. Now I miss my bare arms with the sun beating down on them. *sigh*

hat, stussy; tank, Burger and Friends; shorts, Ksubi; jacket, Zara; sunnies, Stella McCartney

I saw Jay-Z open the home of the new Brooklyn Nets. HOVA did not disappoint. I'm glad to have witnessed this man perform in my lifetime- he didn't miss a beat.

I'm grateful that my office is in one of the most thriving cultural areas of NYC, the Bowery. I get to stop by places like The Hole on my lunchbreak and peep some awesome art. Earlier this month I saw Eric Yahnker who blew me away. Check out his stuff here.

I finally hopped aboard the ombré train and did the nail thing courtesy of Valley. I'll definitely be doing variations of this again and again.

Last week I rolled out to Montauk to celebrate my girl's bday. Fall by the beach is pretty awesome....so are scarecrows.

tank, Alexander Wang; pants, Ksubi; jacket, Oak; sunnies, Stella McCartney

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