November 23, 2010


There's a handful of designers I carefully watch on ebay for rare and amazing stuff that pops up from time to time. Take Japanese iconic designer Issey Miyake for example. If you are into his vintage creations or 80s graphics in general, these sweatshirts might interest you. They were never available for purchase (talk about limited!), but instead were made for the staff that worked the mens collections in Paris each season. Some have portraits of Issey and others have dates indicating the season..definitely a great collector's item if you are into this sort of thing (too bad bidding is now over)!


Cara said...

Wow, the first one is gorgeous. Too bad I'm broke. Not fun trying to live on a fiver a week!


Those sweat shirts are totally amazing! I would love to get my mits on those for sure.

joy said...

You will definitely make bank with these...although I just want to steal the last one. They are too good not to drool over.
Happy Thanksgiving and welcome back to Baltimore!

A La Mode said...

Woah these are too awesome!

susie_bubble said...

The graphics on some of those are sort of hilarious...far from what my preconceived ideas of Miyake's aesthetic.... will definitely check out the bids on them!!

Taj said...

that newspaper one would get the breaks worn off of it!!

Lactose Intoler-Art said...

I love that last one. I happened to see it when I was on ebay and I let it get away. Now I'm kicking myself over it. Dang. -Street Fashion Illustrations