November 01, 2010

Don't eat the apple

Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeen! I hope yours was sweet, scary, or at best hard to remember. I'm telling you, spandex costumes are the way to makes dancing a whole lot easier!

photo by Samantha Brown


3253128 said...

dude your arms look fuckin toned as.
sorry for being a creeper but i love ya blog!

DW said...

Love your outfit, girl! Spandex is the best.

Cara said...

Haha I love this!

Zulkhairi Zulkiflee said...

Why didn't i thought of that? Lots and lots of rubbery snakes and fake leaves! Great!

Kofykat said...

Yes, I don't halloween where I'm from but I could imagine life if it were.