December 01, 2009

I see naked people

From here on out, "naked" will be a tag on this blog. I clearly have an obsession, as you can see here and here. This time, it's in the form of objects for your pad though, not flesh-covered frocks. Refinery 29 put together this little gift guide today and among the assortment of things you don't need was this reclining lady pillow. One side is a womanly figure, the other is an homage to the nipple. I'm not really into Jonathan Adler's interior design (it's a bit excessive for my taste), but the man does have a knack for designing some cool things to put in your home.

I browsed around and saw that Jonathan did an entire series devoted to the female form called the Muse collection. If you like looking at T&A 24/7, he's got you covered.

(that's a cookie jar on the left!)


DDW said...

Haha, milk and cookies, right?

Karla said...

how badly do I wan't that tit-jar!!

I keep forgetting your blog all the time & it's going to my sidebar now so that won't happen again cause everytime I come here I'm like why don't I come here more often...
whoah long sentence.
