June 08, 2010


So I've been casually looking for a certain type of bag for awhile now- like specifically one that I can easily wear on my bike (adjustable shoulder strap) and on the street, AND perhaps big enough to adapt to most "scenarios." There's no doubt I got a handle on the tote bag collection, most of which I have not bought (freebies!) except a Weedeater one I got at their show. A lot of these bags by Macromauro I saw at a Japanese online store called Wallace & Murron would be most IDEAL. Now if only I could figure out how to order anything from there...that's always the case.


Evelina said...

i'm not sure if they ship overseas, but it seems likely- they have a "kaigai" (海外; meaning "overseas") option at checkout. the tan bags are great!

ps: i could help you with translating when ordering (if you're going to do it) if you want :)

CharhHS said...

Hey thought i'd drop a line to say just found your blog and am now following you. Mine's at www.fashionviolentdelights.blogspot.com stop by. x

Anonymous said...

You can use a shopping service to buy from japanese web stores ! I reccommend Crescent or Mail Order Japan. They're usually very informal compared to the service Americans are used to just fyi

etoilee8 said...

I love anything with a kiss lock. Lovely.

Unknown said...

that first bag reminds me of a marshmallow! i want! now! amanda, if you order, let me know, maybe we can go in on the shipping together or something.

Anonymous said...

love the paint splatter one!

Joanna said...

Love the bags, and love your blog!
I have added you to my links section.