April 17, 2009

Garbage Pail Potluck!

Get inspired! I threw a Garbage Pail Kids themed potluck with fellow blogger and co-creator of Manslaughter for Mishka, Mad Marietta. Sylvia was Ill Syl and Carrie was Intensive Carrie! Mad Marietta Machete made her own cutlery necklace she also sells. I ended up Polly Pukesalot.

After spending some $$$ on Jeffery Campbell's lace-up shoes and Look From London Hosiery, I decided not to spend a dime on the rest of my outfit! I used a garbage bag, Mishka eyeball pins, vintage ruler suspenders, and blue ribbon off some gift. Makeup: lashes, green body paint, coffee grinds and glitter.

New York needs more themed parties! You guys have any good ideas? We will host! valissa@valissayoe.com

Nicky Digital took pics here and made sushi with his rad girlfriend, Mikaela!


Rackk and Ruin said...

that is such a freakin great theme!! looks like everyone got into the theme (which is key when it comes to theme parties!!)

amythewolf said...

that's dope - everyone looks sick- i love those shoes by jef cam

susanita said...


Raquel said...

uhm, is that insanely wide fringe used as a curtain? details, please!