April 16, 2009

Split personality

I'm always sort of on the fence about buying knockoff/"designer-inspired" shoes, but sometimes it's well justified. The Margiela sandal booties are sold out everywhere now, and I never could get down with the $600 pricetag anyway. Asos came out with this style though that is a pretty nice alternative to the Margiela ones, but with a few subtle differences that I'm not mad at- the cuff goes down over the heel and the base of the shoe is more chunky overall.

Thanks to a tip from Noirohio, there's another style on Asos that will give you your Margiela fix dudes. This pair looks even more like the original but will run you about 100 bones more than the Asos ones above.


noirohio vintage said...

I like those but I'm kinda lovin' these more:

noirohio vintage said...

Hey those dolce vita white pair are from their site directly... I drool over them everyday.

. said...

Wow I really like the second pair that noirohio vintage pointed out. On no, my poor wallet!