January 11, 2009

The purple people eater

Dear F21,
Thank you for answering my prayers for a rad faux fur vest I can afford. Oh and that was nice making it purple too, because I really like that color and it will look nice with all the black I like to wear.


Unknown said...

I gotta check this out in the store. Something tells me the fur may not be that great BUT nothing beats purple fur, you know? I wish it was longer too and not as cropped as I'm sure it is. Let me know how it works out for you!!

Amanda said...

i agree, i imagine the fur is prob not awesome and i would prefer it longer but it's still one of the best/cheapest i've seen in the faux category. i'm not allowed to buy anything really right now because i'm unemployed but if i sell some clothes, then i'm even so might get it!

danae said...

on another note- how awesome was that movie? "he's a one eyed one horn flying purple peaple eater" hmmm...added to netflix que asap