image via London Tokyo Streets (I was just talking about big pins!)
I'm a regular peruser of certain streetstyle blogs, but it took until now to realize I've posted the same girl a handful of times cause I dig her style that much. Yama works at Tokyo Bopper, a shoe store in Harajuku that sells two brands of shoes: Belly Button & Unbilical. The staff posts their outfits daily, including Yama, so you can really get an idea of how they style the shoes. I'm weak for chunky sandals and sneakers, so I'm convinced I need to visit when I make it over to Tokyo!
Yama clearly loves skirts, mainly full ones, and I love how she pairs them with skinny cuffed jeans or patterned tights.
i remember seeing her in person when i visited the shop... it was so weird since i've seen her on fruits mag so many times... she's def a celebrity
i have a whole folder filled with her pics from the tokyobopper blog.
haha i'm also a huge fan.
hi 5!
crazy shoes
but in any kind of manner, I love it!
sweet jesus i love yama so much
that i have stopped reading any streetstyle blogs at all :D
thanks for featuring her
Yama-sama! I have momus to thank for first bringing her to my attention, all the way back in 2007- but she, and all the shop staff of Tokyo Bopper, are so creatively styled, it's refreshing to see not a hint of high heel anywhere.
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