January 06, 2010

Winter crime

Ha HAAAA frigid cold-hearted painful NYC winter! You thought you had me beat but then I discovered this in the nick of time from the rad guys at Actual Pain:

Not only can this mask, excuse me, balaclava, block out the icy air, but Actual Pain gets bonus points for upping the creepy status with a cyclops eye and providing a shield of anonymity when I just want to walk down the street or ride my bike when it's 17ยบ. I can't wait for this to arrive!!


Anonymous said...

omg! this is amazing! i'm so jealous!
love, dayna

amythewolf said...

haha, i think ODIN did one of these fask mask things too. i've been seriously considering buying one (at the dollar store) it's BALTIC in New York.

Robyn said...

Does it come in a brighter color? I feel like that mask in any neon shade would be a must have for my closet.

Amanda said...

robyn- looks like they just made 35 pieces and just in black (if you check out actual pain, you will find mostly black as that's their aesthetic)

Andrew said...

not a bad idea
-40 is nagl

Hal E. Liebling said...

definitely say hi if you see me at the show! i'll be mingling around in the crowd beforehand for sure.
