In other PAM-related news, check out this book The Times they are The Changes which accompanied The Changes exhibition last fall in Australia. The Changes are Misha Hollenbach and Shauna T of PAM, Fergus Purcell (aka Fergadelic, the founder of Tonite) and Sk8thing. They may live in separate timezones, but they share the same interests and obsessions with culture.
"An appropriation of everything past, they consider and conflate the influence and experience of the cultural explosions of the 80s and 90s: rave, metal, acid, punk, krautrock and freakout, rainbow, black, silver, gold, latex, leather, denim… Everything and/or anything takes shape as material to rewrite the present, a joyous comical explosion, absolutely positive and energetic."
The book is available now at Nieves!
I love how more and more designers are now replacing heads with artwork. I find it so much more interesting. It's like a different way to convey emotions that unfortunately, not all models can really attain.
Patricia Ann
:) always got love for PAM
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