July 06, 2009

Mane ideas

On a recent trip to probably the best magazine shop in Manhattan, Around the World, I must have spent an hour deciding what to take home. That time around, I went with the Spring 09 bible, In Beauty, that has pics of hair and makeup from nearly every show in NY, London, Milan, Paris, and Tokyo. It's really been a great resource thus far for makeup inspiration, but I think I've just been too lazy to try any crazy hairstyles yet. Maybe I can attempt a few of these- anyone know where to get giant hair pins!?


t. said...

ahhh rad... sometimes, i wish i can do something different with my hair, hah!

yui said...

wear that silence&noise piece one post down, put your hair in a high braid ponytail, put on some blue lipstick or better yet color your eyebrows blue....and you are set!